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Intimate Poetry Healing Circle with Dr. Scott
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Intimate Poetry Healing Circle with Dr. Scott
697 Amsterdam Avenue at 94th St., NY, NY 10025
697 Amsterdam Avenue at 94th St., NY, NY 10025
This is my son Max who is featured in my poem "My Bike and..." People kept asking me if I had any poems about biking. Well, I didn't. Then I shared my ideas with Max on a ride and voila, the poem was born, and it has become very popular.
I have been writing poetry since I was a teenager. It was always a little hobby that I didn't put much attention to until the great pandemic. I thought that my pandemic project would be to write helpful learning moments for others. I started rhyming them and finally got the courage to ask others if they liked them. People encouraged me, and now I have a few hundred poems. I am forntunate to be working with Mark Victor Hansen Libraries and my first book is planned for publication in 2025. Mark is the co-author with Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul. Thank you Jeff Hoffman for introducing me to Mark and Carol. By signing up below you'll be the first to know about my next poetry reading (NYC), and updates about my book, TAPAS: Tasty, Inspirational Poems, Reflections, Suggestions, Meditations, and Confessions
Great venue, check out their open mic and upcoming gala. 653 Malcolm X Blvd , New York, NY, 10037
Super longstanding since 1973, they're now housed at Bowery Poets while their new building is under construction.
Really great venue, great vibe, great people 308 BOWERY, NEW YORK, NY, 10012
Solid venue in downtown Brokklyn, check out their open mic 144 Montague Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
I haven't been to this one yet. 27-16 23rd Avenue
Astoria, NY 11105
Every Monday 7-9 there's a Nuyorican Bowery Slam (Poetry) at the Bowery Poetry Club on 308 Bowery Street (just North of Houston and Whole Foods). I attend periodically. Email me if you want to meet me there. They've been at this 50 years and it shows. They always get a great crowd! You have to get there early if you wa
Sign up to learn about my next poetry reading and the date of my book launch.